Heiri Architektur + Immobilien AG
Niklaus Wengistrasse 104, 2540 Grenchen
Architektur 032 645 25 88
Immobilien 032 645 22 74
Damage has occurred in your apartment and you would like to have it repaired?
You can report your damage conveniently by using the online form.
To the online formYou have lost your key or would like to order additional keys?
You do not have a name badge yet or would like to update your existing one?
Register your change of residence online from the comfort of your own home.
Here you can declare your change of address to the old municipality and register at the new one.
TO THE WEBSITEHeiri Architektur + Immobilien AG
Niklaus Wengistrasse 104
2540 Grenchen
Architecture 032 645 25 88
Real Estate 032 645 22 74
Heiri Architektur + Immobilien AG
Niklaus Wengistrasse 104, 2540 Grenchen
Architektur 032 645 25 88
Immobilien 032 645 22 74
Heiri Architektur + Immobilien AG
Niklaus Wengistrasse 104, 2540 Grenchen
Architektur 032 645 25 88
Immobilien 032 645 22 74